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National WBB Quiz at CWC

Christ Wesleyan hosted Wesleyan Bible Bowl’s largest quiz ever the weekend of January 19th and 20th. A total of 86 quizzers from 24 teams spanning New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Indiana, and South Dakota gathered to quiz on the book of Acts. Even though there were more than 180 quizzes over the weekend, the kids still had time to get to know each other and interact. The fellowship and camaraderie are a very important part of Bible quizzing and this last weekend was no exception.
Some teams had their share of troubles getting here. With delayed flights, snowy conditions, and traffic jams there were a few late comers, but everyone arrived safe and sound and ready to quiz. Many of the visitors were new to the church and our quizzers at Christ Wesleyan made them feel very welcome. The visiting churches thanked us many times over for our hospitality. Pastor Jim Terwilliger, the chief organizer of the weekend, stepped out in faith to invite many churches. He did a great job making the weekend work smoothly and without a hitch.
This weekend had a second purpose as well. Bible quizzing is undergoing some changes this year, and group of individuals had been formed to give insight into the future of Wesleyan Bible Bowl as it evolves. This past weekend served as a meeting time for this group to discuss their thoughts and concerns about which way to lead Bible quizzing into the future. Much thought was given about the direction of quizzing and plans are underway to increase interest and participation.
Needless to say interest and participation are growing. This event was really encouraging to see and to be a part of. To see so many students from far and near studying and memorizing large portions of scripture is a blessing beyond words. Then to have them come together to sharpen each other on their knowledge of the Scripture as iron sharpens iron is proof that God is behind this. It is important to note that this quiz was only a practice quiz. There were no awards, no scholarships given out, nothing. It was teenagers traveling hundreds of miles to come and study God’s word, and it was time well spent.

Added: 1/25/2007 11:29:31 AM
By: admin@innerstate180.com

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